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Education System in USA

Education System in USA  


In the USA, children start school once they are five or six years old. counting on the state, schooling is compulsory until the age of 16 or 18. Children younger than five can attend a preschool or preschool.

Education system in USA is best than all over the world. USA have it’s renounced Schools, Colleges, Universities. They have a proper grading system to publish results. They have too many insurance companies to provide education loan to complete higher education. A lot number of Nobel lorette came out from different universities of USA.

Education System in USA  

At the age of 5 or six, the youngsters attend grade school (also referred to as grammar school or grammar school), which lasts six years. The first year at grade school is named kindergarten.

After grade school, students attend secondary school (also referred to as junior high school) for 3 years. Then they continue at highschool. In some states, students need to stay in class until they're 18 years old. In other states, they'll leave school at 16 or 17 with parental permission.


At grade school pupils primarily find out how to read, write and count. There are about 20 to 30 pupils in one class.

At junior and senior high school schools, mandatory subjects are English, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, education and history. Schools also offer optional courses from which the scholars can choose, e. g. art, modern languages, computers. education may be a vital subject within us – many students participate in sports programs.

Grading Scale

In the USA (as in other English speaking countries) letter grades are used in reports.

A > 90 % (excellent)
B > 80 % (very good)
C > 70 % (improvement needed)
D > 60 % (close fail)
E > 50 % (fail)
F < 50 % (fail)

Different sorts of Schools

Most students within the USA are enrolled in public schools. These are financed through taxes, so parents don't need to buy their children's education. About 10 you look after US students attend private schools, where parents need to pay a yearly fee.

Education system in USA is best than all over the world. USA have it’s renounced Schools, Colleges, Universities. They have a proper grading system to publish results. They have too many insurance companies to provide education loan to complete higher education. A lot number of Nobel lorette came out from different universities of USA.

Education System in USA  

Another option is homeschooling: approximately 1-2 you look after parents within the USA educate their children reception. Some reasons for homeschooling are religious views, special needs (e. g. handicapped children), or problems in traditional schools (bullying, drugs, etc.). However, there's also opposition to homeschooling claiming that the scholars have difficulties socializing with others, that homeschooling (often administered by the parents) is of a poor academic quality which (especially concerning religion) extremist views could be encouraged.

School Uniforms

It is not common for college kids within the USA to wear school uniforms, but many faculties have dress codes telling students what quite clothing is or isn't allowed in class. Some schools (especially private schools) have begun to require their students to wear school uniforms so as to enhance school discipline and avoid 'fashion cliques'.


  1. USA have a number of world ranking University with research based education system. I wish i would go to USA to complete my higher education.

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  2. In the USA, children start school once they are five or six years old. counting on the state, schooling is compulsory until the age of 16 or 18. Children younger than five can attend a preschool or preschool.

    Best article.

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